39 hermit crabs

started this post 2 weeks ago, as of right now we are house sitting for Jerry and Donna.....which we love, cable tv, internet, & pool. Had a huge storm last night lots of lightning, thunder and tons of rain. Turns out Bear, one of the dogs is terrified of thunder, poor guy was shaking and panting all night. Power went out 15 mins after storm started, big streaks of lightning out on the water and Bam, balckout.

We couldnt get the generator turned on....so we suffered ALL night long. Got super hot very quick, raining so hard we couldnt open the windows. Could not locate more than 1 flashlight in the house so I was digging for candles. Decided to go to bed worke up 30 mins later in a pool of sweat and was dizzy, so I hauled myself down to one of the trucks with a pillow and a throw blanket. Turned on the truck at 3:30am, AC full blast and pass out in the small backset.

Woke up 40 mins later fell off the seat and was totally confused as to where I was, but I had cooled down dramatically. Stayed in the truck till daybreak started, bout 6am....and went back into the house that was a sauna.

Opened all the windows, get done with this and it startes to rain again!! I give up, leave them open, and flop onto the bed. It's the worst when you cant sleep cause you are so damn hot, it was totally silent, well except for 3 dogs panting and Chris lightly snoring. Must have dosed off for a bit and heard Chris on the phone trying again to get generator turned on. It finally turned over after pumping the lines for 30 mins. YES! We have power now, with fans, an AC, tv and internet. Which is Miles above what we would have if we were at the apartment=nothing!

No idea when the power will be restored, may be the rest of the day. We are supposed! to go out to the property and unload a bunch of chain link fencing today. But with all the rain we got it will be a muddy swamp out there, so fingers crossed that Chris will let us hold off a day for it to dry out. And we are exhausted from little to no sleep.

other than last night, it has been football, football, footbal, and More fotball. which is ok, but last sat we watched 12 freakin hours of football!!! And since it's opening NFL weekend there were several games on sunday and 2 for Monday night football. We are still adjusting to east coast time in regards to watching sports, meaning the Raiders vs Chargers game didn't start over here till 10:30pm!!! makes for really long days.....at the pool.

Now I watch college ball no problem, the NFL, take it or leave it. But we have football on, Thursday, Friday, Sat. Sun. and Monday! lord help me but my tan is coming along nicely ;)

What else. We are taking a leave off Cat next week for 6 days. Going to Ft Lauderdale to restock on supplies, watch some.... you guessed it football and a movie or 2. Get haircuts, pedi's, new work shoes, etc. etc. Will be nice to get away and Jerry is gonna watch Miss Zoe.

Who btw is LOVING it over here. after all is said and done she will have spent almost a full month running free on Jerry's land and beach with Bear and Buddy. She is getting along great with both of them and actually playing with Buddy now, who couldnt stand her for the first several months we would bring her over. Will be in for a BIG shock when she has to go back to being on her rope at the apt.

We live on a busy road in the settlement and can not let her run loose, too many other dogs and cars. She will be in further shock in early Oct as we are taking her to Nassua for a vet overhaul and to get her fixed! yay!!! no puppies. Chris and I will be going to the dentist over there during that time, look ma no cavaties! I hope. Also gonna see a Dr. bout Invisalign to get my teeth back on track. They have shifted over the year....which sucks after wearing braces for 7 1/2 years. Blah!

What else....I think most that follow this blog already know, but we got our contract renewed for another full year. Starting Oct 3, 2009 to Oct 2010!!! So excited about this as the project is actually starting to move into the stage of receiveing shipments from the states to start building roads and wells and such. Gonna pick up steam very soon.

More to come later.