
Sometimes I have the best blogs composed in my head, but then I get home to my lappy and all thoughts have left the building. Very frustrating.
So, we get a few days recap.
Wed was boring, we did food shopping. Here on Cat they are not called grocery stores, they call them food stores, original ya think? Truly, these food stores are glorified convience stores to me, yes you can buy some frozen meat but try to find body wash, tortilla, cucumbers or decent cereal. They don’t exist!
Thurs, I ventured over to Flamingo Bay to lounge by the pool, read my book and walk the dogs at low tide. Donna came to the beach with me then left me to my own solitude with 3 wet dogs. Played with my hoop some. Came home and we fixed a huge salad, thanks to Donna for the avocado, cucumber and peppers. She bought them off a guy who drives around in his truck selling produce he gets shipped in, however, most the time he comes at dark and a lot of his food is already into the rot stage.
Cdub fixed awesome homemade turkey burgers. I ate my words as I said I didn’t want one due to watching the disastrous attempt last weekend. But they were very tasty.
Friday was another afternoon at Flamingo Bay, cut short as we had to be back there for a dinner party at 6:30. Dinner was a late bday celebration for Roy and Lucille, good food, frosty cocktails and lots of white dog hair on my black tube top ;) We attempted to ‘go out’ that night. But were too late, 11:30, and the place had already closed for the night, its Friday night people! We came back home, walked across the yard to Peter Hill and had a beer and watched the last few mins of whichever bball game. BORING
Sat, Donna invited me to come to the beach all day. The water was like glass and clean of sea grass. We floated around for a few hours, fed some fish, watched the dogs play and just enjoyed being in the water. Some friends stopped by for a few mins then I headed back home.
We went down to the Regatta site around  6pm and came home after midnight. I also made 2 other trips to the apt during this time, somehow in 2 days I put 164 miles on one of the trucks. Lots of people came out around 9ish. Apparently, there was a talent show (case) at the high school and we were none the wiser. Everyone descended to the site after it was over. Based on the costumes/getups I would have loved to have been there.
The lack of communication on this island is ridiculous . Half the time you have no idea an event was going to happen till after it’s done and over. You have to catch the flyer postings on the doors of the food stores to keep in the know. If they had a community board were everyone would be able to know of upcoming events would greatly increase the chance of success .
So today was nothing day, we laid on the couches, watching guess what, ball. I did some work online. I didn’t even make the bed today ;) Life was on tonight, something like 4 episodes.
Then I got the news that my Uncle Louie passed away today, he had been battling Leukemia for some time. It does not make it any easier. We have lost 3 Pawlik’s in 4 months. I knew these days would eventually come as I am so much older but they have been part of the family forever. To make matters more difficult I am unable to get home for the services. The last one being mid-Feb.
My heart goes out to Louie’s family, you are all in my thoughts. 

 Part of the Pawlik clan that gathered for Louie's 80th bday in 2007
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