
I know it has been well over a month since my last post so here goes. The trip home was crazy and too short as always. Our first trip to Nassau was, well, uneventful which is fine but we have no reason to really ever go back. Just not a place we want to spend any time in. Crowded, dirty, smelly, annoying tourists from the cruise ships all in all a cross between, French Quarter and Fishermans warf=narsty.

Several delayed flights getting to TX and we didn't get home till after 1am. We saw lots of friends and family while in tejas, only wish we had more time to spend with everyone. The trip in TX was fast paced, lots of driving, delayed flights, missed flights, spending a whole day in the Houston airport on standby, and finally making it to CO the next day around noon.

CO was beautiful, great weather, got some snow flurries in Boulder the first day, saw some great music. Saw some crappy music, didn't see as many friends as we had hoped to. Katy,Josh and Kali have a great house and opened their doors to all that came to CO for NYE events. The night of NYE we went to visit some old friends mostly from Lbk that were in downtown Denver. That was real fun, I love walking up to people that haven't seen me in several years and who are not expecting to see either Chris or I at all. Of course we didnt' take ANY pics of this night, too crazy to keep up with a camera and not loose it. (which I hear that several cameras were lost at the condo)

We had a semi early flight out on Sunday back to the narsty. We got in the car round 4am ish and it was 12 freakin' degrees outside. I swear my nose felt like it fell off my face. more airport fun, actually this round went really smooth. Got to Atlanta, which I have always called Hotlanta and HOT it was. I bet the heat in the airport was at 80 degrees. I was shedding layers of clothes as soon as we got off the plane.

Made it back to Cat on that monday and waited round for a while for some business partners to fly in. Spent the afternoon, relishing the fact that less than 24 hours ago I had on, 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of socks, 2 shirts and a hoodie, gloves and a beanie, and was now sporting a tank top, shorts and flops.....I love the Bahama weather. (side note, I am now wearing pants, shirt and Hoodie as it's bout 68 out here which feels chilly;)

The rest of that week was crazy of course. With so many people on the island for 4 days trying to get an immense amount of work done, we didn't' even get our bags unpacked till the next week. The week after was a lot more quite of course. We got the work done that we could complete and are now waiting on the tractor to be done before we walk all the golf holes.

So our spare time in the evenings has been spent playing Jerry and Donna's Wii!!!!! I love it! and SO glad they got one as we had talked about bringing one back with us but there was NO room in our luggage for anything else. The guys have been racing trucks. Donna and I did some Mario Cart races and then the ever popular Guitar Hero. Which btw is very fun!!! Jerry got a new GH game disc last night and I played for bout an hour. Such the rockstar....named my band Glitterati!

Other than catching up on island life, things have been nice and slow. We went down to the fry shacks for Cat's small Junkanoo parade. Lots of whistle blowing and colorful costumes. The next day we went out fishing on the Cow Hunter with some friends. Gorgeous day and Chris did most the reeling in of all the fish.

All in all a great start to the new year. more to come later. Love you all

copy and paste, sorry
1 Response
  1. Jess Says:

    I'm a pretty big fan of Guitar Hero, as well! Glad to hear you have something to help pass the time! Let me know if you make it to the expert level :)