5 years together











5 years Cdub and I have been together. He is my partner (in crime) & life, my soul mate, best friend and the best person I know. I mean he picked me, right/;)

We have been through so much together in these past years and to think it all began in the most magical of all places, Horning's Hideout......summer of 2004 we met and spent the next incredible 4+ days together running around in the forest and taking in all the surroundings of a SCI experience. I feel confident to say that we were both smitten right away. However, it took us a few months to reconnect. Ahem, I had to call him, I tracked him down in TX as I was living in CA at the time. From there it was phone calls, emails and the 1st visit was April 14, 2005.

Here we are 5 years later living in the Bahamas, we have a freakin' dog! and life could not be sweeter. although I did have to remind him of the anniversary this year, we both blanked on it last year. We never really know what week day it is anymore since being on the island. In the past he has given me amazing thoughtful gifts, most of them he made himself.

So this year, I bought his/our gift in Jan and have had to hold onto it for almost 3 months!!! I will take pics of it later tmrw.

I am one lucky girl

Another Recap

Time has gotten away from me again, so here we go.
# of dinners out – 7
# of days fishing – 5
# of fish caught - 11
# days at beach/pool – 5
# of nights out – 4
#of times Zoe sick – 8
# of hummingbirds caught – 1 by wonder dog
Such a busy week, it all begins to run together. So last Monday we had to clean all day, as we were recovering all day Sunday;) Cdub did start the mural that is going on our bedroom wall. Got the drawing done up in chalk. It’s gonna be so cool/pretty once we get it done.
Tues the 30th Cdub and I went fishing with Billy on the Cow Hunter. We were a short crew of only 4, which means Billy had to gaff, Cdub reel and Tyrone hand reel into fish box. Yours truly was manning the helm! Which means I had to “PUSH THE BUTTON, PUSH THE BUTTON!!!” I had to hit the low idle button at the right time when a fish was on the line.
We had a great day, 5 and 1/8 Wahoo! Bout 100lbs of ‘hoo. The big one got attacked by a shark and we only brought in the 50lb head! Also had 2 great tunas, one at 40lbs.

Wed the 31st, Dari came in along with 5 football guys/coaches. A rowdy group to say the least. We all met up at Jerry and Donnas for heavy apps and cocktails. They got in late and we stayed late. Donna and I fixed some awesome nachos!  
To back up a bit, Wonder Dog (WD) aka Zoe must have eaten something at Jerry and Donnas on tues. She was sick all over their house tues night.  As in crying to go outside all hours of the night. She seemed fine when the football crew arrived. So we take her home, she ate and went to bed.
Well let me tell you, I awoke around 4am wed night. I had heard her whining at the front door, which is strange cause she usually just comes to Cdub’s side of the bed and puts her feet on it. So I was ignoring it till the stench hit me full force. OMG!!!!!!!!
I was afraid to get out of bed as we have 3 rugs in the room and had 4 piles of dirty clothes on the ground. The last thing I wanted to do was step in something. I almost threw up from the smell alone, it was that bad. Short of the grody details, I had to let her out and clean up her disgusting mess, all the while Cdub is sawing logs in bed. Half asleep, in my pjs I throw some clothes on and go outside with her. She is running around the yard trying to poo. Not happening tho. Poor baby was miserable.
Bring her in, and I can’t go back to sleep. For fear of her needing to go again. At 6am she does. I race her to the door, throw the clothes back on and same thing, thinks she has to and doesn’t. Bring her in and I am awake till 745 when Cdubs alarm goes off to go fishing.
I am delirious at this point and finally crash out. Slept like a rock. Took WD back to J&D’s and hit the beach and the pool. I hear Jerry yelling all of a sudden. Run to driveway and he tells me your damn dog (WD) caught a hummingbird!!!! Are you freakin kidding me! WOW and oh hell. She is a hunter for sure. But a hummingbird I knew she was fast but really. 
Fast forward to later this day and I am at the Cat House to help Dari with dinner. Love helping her and I might actually learn how to cook.

We had 2 boats coming for dinner plus the football crew.  Lots of running around to serve food and the boat that was late was……
Rubmera, the yacht of Mr. Bacardi and his family. Yep, THE Mr. Bacardi! As in the rum!
Very nice family and they loved Dari’s seared tuna.
Fri. guys fished all day and caught Nothing!!!!
Billy was so disappointed. And the guys were so drunk. Somehow I/we got volunteered to drive the guys to Devils Point to a bar later that night. Turns out it was very fun, but we had to leave early as some guys were falling asleep/passing out.
And the party didn’t stop once the football guys left.
It was Easter weekend on Cat and Easter is huge here, as in party’s fri-mon. After 3 days/nights of being out I was ready to do nothing on Sat. But I forgot about the gathering at the Deep South. Basically the party doesn’t really start till late,10pm, but they had games and food during the day. So we loaded up and went down for an hour with J&D and B&D. (too lazy to retype all the names)
After that it was laundry time, I think I did something like 8 loads. I didn’t sit down till after 9pm. I had also forgotten till late Friday that I was bringing potato salad to the Easter dinner I had completely blanked on! Go me.
So I had to make my failure of potato salad. Ok, so I had some potatoes and went to buy more. I bought Yukon gold. Well I didn’t pay attention to my time and totally undercooked them. I had cut them into cubes, some too big and it was impossible to mash them up. We even tried to cook them in the oven on low for over 2 hours.
I normally make great potato salad, but I think I was so tired from the week that I just blanked on boil time and thought “oh these are ready” wrong diff. tatos take longer! Duh
I gave up at midnight cause we had to fish on Sunday.
Another great day on the Cow Hunter.  We caught a 50.5 lb Wahoo that morning and a dolphin.

We had dinner with friends at Roy and Lucille’s for Easter. Got there late due to getting the boat in late and had to clean as well.
Come Monday morning it took all I had to get out of bed to go fishing. In fact my head is kinda blank on what we caught. We went out to walk-a-bout, which is several miles off shore. Then we headed to Alligator point which is over 7 miles out. At some times you could not see land. Kinda cool, the seas were kinda rough and we hit a rain storm coming back in. I think we caught 2 small tunas.
We caught most the NCAA final game at the Cat House.  We had a procession line of 5 of us cleaning all the fish from the week. Between washing/drying fish, making bags, sealing bags and labeling bags it took us 40+ mins. 
I think I put over 300 miles on my truck in the past week and a half, the drive to Hawk’s Nest is that far but it takes forever to drive in the dark. The road is overgrown with brush and ya have to pay attention.
That is a week plus in the life on Cat at this moment in time. The next months is gonna be crazy busy as well.
If you made it through this whole ramble post, congrats!