once again an update

Once again I have failed to keep up with this blog, however in my defense we had a super busy summer.
Going with a month format to keep this short.
6 grandkids, 4 girls and 2 boys.  A pair was here for a whole month.  We had a ton of fun, lots of hours at the beach and in the pool. Cdub and I even got our hair done late one night.
4th of July- large pool party at Jerry and Donna’s and late night fun at Hawk’s Nest.
7 days of fishing, 5-tuna, 2-wahoo, am sure there was more but I have forgotten.
6 wonderful dinners at the Cat House, I am learning a bit from Dari – should after all I have helped.
Saw my 1st turtle on July 6th in the Creek at HN while taking a boat of Billy’s from the house to marina.
20-burgers, 36-hotdogs, 4 hours of cooking. Cdub and I went down to Jr’s new water front shack at cooked for all the kids for Bahamas’ Independence Day.
Our tennis game got better, although it did get a lot hotter, had to start playing in the evening.
Zoe found a large tar patch on the beach and of course rolled all in it. Dawn works great to remove the sticky mess.
Long Boat Cay to 3 Rock beach – 4mile walk with Donna, handfuls of sea glass. My legs hurt like hell the next day.
July 30th – fish ½ day and then Bruce and Joan arrived, 1.5 hrs late due to Regatta crowd coming over.
July 31st – fish ½ day then made way to Regatta site, much more fun to be on the water than in the crowd on land. Had a few problems with the inflatable ;) back to HN late, this was the night the side mirror on the truck got hit by another car. Scared the bejeezes out of me, lucky the window didn’t break.
BBQ in Devil’s Point for Regatta – tons of ribs cooked, 2 rain showers and several cocktails.
4 days of fishing, not much luck in Aug.
2 rounds of Farkle.
Another 6 amazing dinners at the Cat House. Large crew at HN.
Beach party #2, 18 people, 2 mules, 2 ez-ups, 1 grill, 12 chairs, 1 dog.
1 Meteor Shower – went out to property around midnight, saw several but not like the news was predicting, and the clouds rolled in from the ocean.
Trip to states – Chicago by way of Nassau and Miami. Gotta love the airport hustle. Spent a great 4.5 days with Stephanie and Brad.  They have an awesome apartment in a great neighborhood. Got to eat a great breakfast and then headed downtown for the Architecture Boat Tour.  Nice wooden boat, were able to ride up front away from the crowd. Took lots of pics till the camera battery died.
A stroll to Navy Pier where we became true tourist and bought throw away cameras!!! Forgot how bad they suck at taking pictures, but, we needed something as we had the whole afternoon to hang out dt.
p.s. Navy pier is not worth the long walk, ok we can say we did it, but nothing to brag about. And the beer garden is not truly a beer garden, more like cheap beers on tap that you get in cheap plastic cup and then have to sit at picnic tables under young trees.
From there we made it to Old Navy, yes Old Navy. I thought that since the weather was to be in the low 80’s and it being Chicago and all that it would not be *that* hot. Wrong! So I had to run in and buy a skirt and stuff my jeans into my purse. Then we made the walk over to the Bean and Millennium Park. Meandered through the art gardens and ended up at Park Grill for a few beers. 
Then the long walk down to Buckingham fountain where we took crappy pics with throw aways. Kinda strange after all the years of using digital to have to put a camera up to the eye oh and to wind it!  Wrigley field the next day for a photo op didn’t really care to go to the game. We did however hit several costume shops in the area for the party on Sat.  A nice night at home, cook out on back deck and a few friends stopped by throughout the night to say hi and have some drinks. Haven’t laughed that much in a long while.
Sat was a slow start, but the party later that afternoon was a smash to say the least. Laughed so hard my face hurt, took lots of funny pics, ate bad food (as in not good for you-corndogs) drank cheap beer (miller high life) and danced like crazy.
Had some really great chats with Steph, miss her like crazy. Sunday we made it out to a huge art fair back downtown, then ordered some famous Chicago style pizza.
The next 3 days we spent in West Palm with Billy. Running around getting all our shopping done for the next 3-5 months! Always a fun time, blah. Who knew you could get sick of shopping, me! 
Had to stay in Ft L the night before we came back. I will NEVER fly out of Miami again, worked out for going to Chicago, but damn it’s not worth it ever. Heavy rain storm, several car wreaks but we did make it early I think for the 1st time ever!!
1 week house/dog sitting at Jerry’s. many days of relaxing at the pool and recovering from Chicago and all the food we ate. Watched several movies and of course football.  Amazing how much stuff you haul over to spend 1 week.
1 Hurricane- Earl. We prepared for the 60+ mph winds but they didn’t really hit us, Earl was 400miles off coast of Cat. We did get some crazy big waves.  In fact I spent most of tues sitting backwards on the couch watching the water. It was nuts!!! Huge breakers, multiple rollers coming in at the same time.
1 trip to Nassau. Took Zoe in for year visit to Vet. Clean bill of health, very clean white teeth. Got my braces off! Spent 5 hours in chairs with my mouth being worked on. But I have super white teeth now too.  Did some shopping, new flops, a bday gift for me. A nice dinner at Luciano’s on the veranda. Got back to Cat and it was raining, good thing we had on rubber flops cause the airport was flooded.
I discovered the FREE books on Amazon for Kindle, have had it for 9 months and had no idea these were out there. Have over 30 free classics now, Sherlock Holmes being my latest new fav.
3 guests here for several days. Lots of fun to get out around the island, even tho its hurricane season and not a lot open. Got some great pics, lot of laughs, even went out to snorkel but the sea was so chummed up you couldn’t see much at all. Played several games of pool.
Made my mom’s chicken spaghetti, it was so good! Think I ate most of the leftovers;)
2 trips to the Old Bight Mission Home. Very cute kids who like to sing and dance. The company purchased the kids new school shoes and we got to do the delivery. They were so excited. Got the tour of the grounds and met all of the staff.
2 beach walks at Long Boat Cay. Found a bit of sea glass. Stayed out during a rain shower until dark, nice to relax.
1 trip up north. Discovered that when up on a hill at a resort you can see Half Moon Cay and Eluthera.  Drove down many bad roads just to see what was at the end, came upon a large footprint of a house the opens up to a gorgeous cove on the Atlantic side north, one of the most perfect spots I have seen on Cat.
1 long round of Farkle
2 or so Tropical Storms, can’t recall names. Lots of high winds and rain, reminded me of Fall. Btw the weather has cooled down at bit, you feel it more at dusk/night.
3+ rounds of no power, longest one being 1.5 hours or so. Thankfully we had lots of cloud cover so it wasn’t too hot.
Have new found love/obsession of House TV.  Add that to the list of CSI and SVU, I love marathons, thank you USA television.
3 days spent on the couch watching tv, recovering from last 2 weeks, while the rain and wind pounded the house.
Looking forward the rest of 2010! Get back to fishing in Nov.

1 Response
  1. Joan Says:

    Thanks for the update since we left in August! I'm so glad that you two are happy with your decision to go to Cat- It is such a unique opportunity--- I am so glad that you and Chris have been able to experince such a fantastic place and such great people! Love you, girl!