Oct 14th was a great 30th birthday. A long walk on the beach, followed by a few hours reading by the pool. Chris and I then went to Old Bight to hike up Mt Alvernia to the Hermitage site. It was an old monastery built by hand on the highest point of the Bahamas, only 206 feet, lol. Don't have the pics just yet, had to borrow a camera as we had just picked up our new laptop and camera a few minutes before at the airport.

The site is amazing, you can see most of the whole island both Atlantic and Caribbean ocean sides. Father Alvernia was a small man, as most were in the 1600's. There are several rooms you can walk through and a spire that still has a bell inside.

Dinner was wonderful, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, salad and soup. Followed by a lemon cake with chocolate frosting. We were unable to have the bonfire as the winds were so bad, we lost power for a few hours as well right before dinner.

After dinner Chris and I took a walk on the beach in full moon light and were joined by Gin, one of the Greenwood potcakes. He was having a hay day chasing and digging for crabs in the full moon. So fun to watch him and very entertaining.

Today we slept in and then played with our new electronics. Layed by the pool and read more of my book. Then before dinner we went to the job site to take photos.

OK, so I have to admit, I am a Princess when it comes to laundry. No questions asked. I am picky and very particular. So we have 2 washers here and 1 dryer. They line dry most items everyday, sheets and towels included. Let me tell you drying a towel on the line 100 yards away from the Atlantic makes it feel like you are drying off with sandpaper!!! Horrible feeling, feel like I am rubbing of my skin. So I ask Anna if I can do a load, we have been here 2 weeks and not done any washing. We needed underclothing and socks esp. the dirt on site is a red silty powdery sand.

So I start a load and throw them in the dryer and am loading the 2nd of shorts and pants. All of a sudden I hear, "What are you DOING?" We don't use the dryer. So I explain what the load is and she says ok. BUT we do NOT use the dryer, WTH, why is it here then!!! They line dry in the laundry room if it rains. SORRY this Princess does not line dry everything, it stretches the clothes out and takes forever! She then told me to just wait and have the housekeeper who comes to do our laundry, UMMM, NO. I am not having someone else do my laundry. That's terrible and I am too picky. Do you have any idea how long it took me to train Chris how to do my laundry, lol!
4 Responses
  1. Joan Says:

    Kristy- I guess what you really need for your birthday is your own laundry room!! sorry it won't fit in a care package. Guess what Harley's new nickname is "potcake". We love hearing about the island life-keep up the good stories. What is a "fry shop" and have you seen any native island crafts? Joan

  2. Stephie Says:

    I am so happy to hear of your birthday happiness! It sounds like it was a wonderful night. Miss you so much!

    P.S. get off your hight horse about the dryer...you live in the Bahamas, seriously, you can't have it all honey! : )

  3. kricky Says:

    Stephie- Remember there are to many horses here, ha ha. Hope you and brad are doing well, whencan we look for you guys heading down south?


  4. Cliff Says:

    Hi Chris and Kristy! It's great to be able to hear about your adventures. Keep the pictures and updates coming. We really enjoyed our visit and having y'all stay with us. Sounds like you're getting settled in.

    Take care.
