Potcake definition


a long article but very informative, so all those out there who are thinking the opposite can rest assured....

today was quite, one guest that was here a week from the UK has returned home and we have another guest from England for the weekend.

Lots of time online, the connection goes in and out all the time, very frustrating, esp when checking your bank account and the like.

We went snorkeling at Deep South, a building on a cleared site that is used for community and church events. Didn't see much today, the water was cloudy. Did see a Barracuda that was about 3 feet long, very shiny. A few fish I had not seen in the last few times out, very colorful. The salt level was so high today that you could see salt lines on your body as you started to dry off.

After we got out of the water we were sitting on the truck bed having a beer and a red tahoe drives up, stops on the road, sits for a bit, goes forward, sits a bit then reverses and finally comes down the dirt path to where we are sitting. An older English gentleman asks if we own the building/property. We tell him no that it's community. He then introduces himself as Peter Christie, as in the family that owns pretty much ALL of Cat Island. We immediately hop off the truck and go to meet him. When I say old, I mean my grandfather old, round 80 at least. Even had the same shaking of arms that my Gpa has. He knew that we were working for the Property and asked how we liked it. Turns out he is coming to Greenwood for dinner tonight.

So another large dinner tonight, let me tell you these 4 course meals as doing me in. I feel like a slug after we eat and of course have our shots of Rum. Chris and I have never eaten meals this large in portion. I had to tell Sheila, one of the cooks, to seriously, cut our portions in half. They dont save your meal they throw it away. UMM hello, I am here all day and we don't get breakfast, that's a long story but they will eat right in front of us and not offer any and they sure don't make enough for 4 people. Don't even get coffee, they only have the huge buffet canister AND they recycle the coffee, UBER gross!!! they put saran wrap over the opening and SAVE it!!! and the large canister the other day was sitting out in the kitchen open with FLIES in it.....I miss Starbuck immensely! and Chris' breakfast burritos and Crepes A Go-Go....mmmmh....breakfast

enough ranting, the moon rise last night was incredible, like a big ball of cheese, seriously, the color was insane....but the clouds took over and we lost the rise after it appeared over the ocean.
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