
This hurricane is going to do me in!!! We have not seen the sun in over a week, and the weather will get worse next tues and wed. Being trapped in doors for days on end starts to make you stir crazy. Watching a lot of movies but after a while you just want to go somewhere. The mosquitoes are ridiculous right now with all the rain, I got eaten alive the other day, and with the poison wood on Chris' leg, we are kinda a mess.

Got the news that there is a 500 MB daily bandwidth limit here, GREAT, which means we can't stream any live shows from the computer OR download music....this might make me explode, to think we can't get any new music for a YEAR!!! our MAC went down a few weeks ago, and we have a hard drive loaded with new tunes, filled it pretty full right before we left, well we can't access any of it due to the type of cord it uses!!! I'm VERY music deprived right now and REALLY wish I had my hoops down here. With the lack of dancing and hooping, and over indulging in the cheap beer I have gained weight and feel like a slug. I am to the point that I will take my ipod down to the beach and just dance my face off, might have a heart attack with the humidity but I need some boogie release.

Oh, I alos have a cold right now, no idea where it came from, but Sudafed and Zyrtec are not working and those who know me, know that the best way to torture me is to stuff up my nose so I can't breathe.....told you we were a mess right now.

Other than Tech playing AWESOME last night we are kinda bored. Didn't even get to watch the whole game as we have to go next door to watch tv and games go so late here, we had to finish 2nd half on the computer, not as exciting as hearing it and see the crowd.

enough of my soap box, miss you all terribly and promise the next post won't be so whiny
1 Response
  1. Linda Says:

    so sad to hear that you are "trapped" inside a gorgeous yellow bungalow on an island in the Bahamas! want to trade spaces?? the sun WILL come out again! Love Ya - Linda