overdue update

Hello 2010!

i have been a huge slacker on the blog but how many days can I write about hanging out at home with Chris and Zoe, watching many hours of HGTV, long beach walks and hours of net surfing = boring blog posts.

here we go -

Nov - had us house sitting at Jerry and Donna's for 5 weeks, much time spent at beach and pool, Chris built some furniture. 2 side tables, a small wall table, a book case and a larger display table, I have a few pics.

ARUGH! ok no more pics as these 2 took 33 mins to upload.....drives us crazy that uploading takes so damn long.

ok where was I, Nov right.

We went out on the Cow Hunter in early Nov. not the best day of fishing, had to come in early due to high winds in the afternoon. We had 2 guests at Jerry and Donna's for bout a week, fun couple.

We had dinner at Billy and Dari's a few times that week also, so different to be there and all be able to sit at the table. Not the usual 40-60 people.

I think we went to Hawk's Nest 5 of 8 days in early Nov. We had a bday party round the 13th, huge sheet cake and all.

Nov 17th I became an Aunt again, little Jeb Brennan Brooker was born.

Turkey day we took gthe dogs down for early beach walk, I cooked broccoli rice dish, Chris cooked sweet potato dish, we had dinner with bout 15 people at Roy and Lucille's. Great food, decent football but no pumpkin pie;( I took the dogs for a full moon beach walk when we got home, so cool!

More beach walks with the dogs, see a theme here....

Our big truck started to give us problems, turns out bad diesel was put in the tank and gave us major problems, had to drain the fuel filter many times. Truck was down for 2 weeks +. that was fun!

EArly Dec Jerry and Donna came back to Cat, dinner parties got back under way and we got to move back home! we missed our bed so much, we have a king and had been sleeping on a full!

Dinner at the Cat house 2 times early Dec. love the small parties.

Jerry and Donna got Super Mario for Wii, holy hell was that fun and full of old memories. They are terrible at the game, chris and I are pretty good considering we grew up with the games but it had been many years since playing any of them.

Dec 16 Donna and I went to Nassau for 2 days, had some shopping to do and I went to dentist. So crazy to drive in Nassau, and poor Donna does not have the best sense of direction or map reading skills. We turned around a LOT!

We had several things to get done before going home for xmas, always more to do than you think. Got all packed, apt cleaned and took Zoe to Jerry's a night early.

She was there for 15 days and I doubt she missed us that much. She has the run of his property, and the beach, which she has taken to venturing down to by herself.

Xmas most of you know. Was too short, way to damn cold, and crazy as always. We got to eat some great food, visit with family, take funny pics, watch stupid movies and had many cocktails.

We spent a week in FL before going back to Cat. Stayed in Miami this time vs Ft Lauderdale. Ate some great Cuban food 2xs, saw 4 Phish shows, watched Avatar 3D, AWESOME!!!, got to hang with old friends, watch the sunrise, have our minds shattered musically along with a kaleidoscope of visual assault thanks to Kuroda, got to shop at Target 3 xs! got our hair cut, bought socks, lol. the regular stuff we cant do at home.

Jan - got delayed in Ft L for over 3 hours = missing flight to Cat, spent next 3 hours getting paperwork filled out to be put up at hotel for night. Nassau drives me nuts.

Sheraton is a nice hotel tho. much nicer than the Wyndham.

Chris already had a headcold before we got back to Cat, I felt great....until Thurs. I tell you the best way to EVER torture me is to stuff my nose up, i just about want to claw my nose off my face. Worst ever. my cold lasted bout 3 days, Chris' much longer. We drank tons! of tea, I love Teavana.....such delicious tea blends. www.teavana.com (shame less plug)

Jan 17-20, Hawk's Nest Wahoo Tournament.

Capt meeting on Sunday, 11 boats in the tourn. lots of familiar faces from last year. I served chicken wings with Jerry and Donna. always a fun time.

Monday was our earliest wake up call in, well I dont wanna really tell ya, but we had to be up round 6am and be at the marina no later than 710am. Day on the Cow Hunter was very slow till 2ish, when we caught the 1st fish of the day. I read more than half a book, took lots of pics and drank several beers.

Sand Dollar from Deleware caught the biggest wahoo of the day at 111 lbs, and they are not really even fishermen. Great night and a long drive home later, gearing up for next day.

Early start again, Dari had tons to do for turkey dinner so I bailed on boating and threw myself into the kitchen. I had NO idea it would be so much work and heavy lifting. Working with Dari is great and fun, but I have no idea how she usually does it all on her own.

We cooked tues from 10am - 8pm, and then had to help serve the dinner. So much driving between the marina, where the cooker is, to the resort kitchen, to her house a mile down the road. We didn't stop all day. Thankfully we brought stuff to stay the night the rest of the tourn.

Cow Hunter day 2 had a FANTASTIC day of fishing, they brought in 211 lbs of fish that day, the box was FULL! Captain was very happy.

Day 3 we started all over again, guys out at 730 for bimini start at 8am, i had to run back to house for another case of beer for a chance at winning the beer calcutta. Dari and I cooked all day from 830-9ish again. We had over 80 lbs of smoked fish to get off the cooker before we could make tons of fish dip, I swear working in the kitchen you get a facial and toned muscles.

a very long day, Cow Hunter caught nothing day 3 but a big buzz! they were hammered when they *finally* got back to the marina....so much so that Cpt and cook, Billy had to be taken home and put to bed. he didn't even taste mine and Dari's steak that we slaved over all day in the heat, which btw felt like summer, it was so hot and there was no wind at all. what I would have given to sit by the pool instead of the smoker.

Cow Hunter got 2nd place. Sharkey's, the marina restaurant, was in full swing till after midnight.

We stayed around thurs am to help clean the boat. you would NOT believe how dirty a boat gets while out in the water. I will spare you the groddy details but with 5 people cleaning we got the boat done in bout 2.5 hours.

I have never been so exhausted. We came home and crashed on the couch all day. I am signed up again for kitchen duty for the Bill Fish Tourny in late May, many more boats and 4 days this time.

I have said it before but I will *try* to be better at this blog, we have some events coming up in Feb. I will post pics to Picasa album as we venture into the year.

Hope all are doing great.
1 Response
  1. Joan Says:

    Great update- Love to hear all your stories!! Joan