
you ever have one of those months were nothing noteworthy happens.....I miss my uber crazy schedule.

40 hrs of desk work was a breeze, it was the after work that was fun, exciting, entertaining, pricey;) adventuresome, fulfilling.

I miss those days like I miss, crepe's.....omg what I would do for a crepe from Crepe's A Go-Go in the creek, with tomato, mozzarella, avacado, ham and jack cheese, which sirachi sauce. enter mouth watering right now.

with long days of not much to do, ones mind tends to wander, and wander Far.

it's sad how much I think about food these days, but we have 0=zero restaurants on this rock. it's so bad that on our trips back to the states I get totally overwhelmed on picking a type of cuisine, ie. italian, thai, chinese, american, mexican....I want it all and in 3 days!!!

and I am talking sit down and eat places, this does not cover fast food by any means, which I DO NOT feel guilty eating at this point in my life, mainly because I go so damn long with out even seeing or thinking about any of these till they are flying past my eyes out the car window....chick-fil-a you are evil!

I miss Sundays in the Creek like no other, days of sleeping in, running into local starcrack for coffee, going to eat CREPE'S, wandering around downtown window shopping, picking up the paper, reading said paper in our shoebox apt with the guts of paper scattered all over the floor, then deciding a trip to Target is a Must, wander around glorious, fabulous target, every aisle. then either a late movie or late beer at Crogan's.....ah Walnut Creek, you were wonderful....sunday's were not complete without the obligatory trip to Trader Joe's!!! I could live the rest of my life buying food only from Trader's

something else that's funny, well actually annoying to me, I am beginning to forget some of the artwork we had on the walls of the shoebox, specifically the large piece Chris bought me for our 3 year anniversary(for those counting we are coming up on 5 this april!) and we had a LOT of artwork.

sad to think about my stuff living in a storage unit and not on my walls for my eyes to enjoy every day.

ahhh to digress, happens to easy when you are stuck indoors due to yucky weather, 56! degrees for a few days now, cloudy and very windy.

Chris did manage to beat MArio for Wii and is now on the secret world 9, which means ya have to play the whole damn game all over again....entertaining for me to watch him jump and stomp around the living room throwing his hands in the air yelling at the tv. ;0

what else, oh our dog Zoe has taken to chasing cars down the driveway, dont get me started on her love of people on bicycles.....she is getting yelled at and put in the submissive position on a daily basis.....but she is so damn cute, you feel bad for yelling at her cause you are really trying to save her little life from moving vehicles.

in other news we are house sitting for 3 weeks, we have Chris' parents and his uncle coming for a week visit next saturday
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