Bruce & Joan visit recap

I am a week behind on posting this but here goes....

Sunday we got to the airport early and had to wait for bout an hour and half, as it usually goes with any trip to the airport. Turns out they were on the same flight with people we know on the island, so they got to chat with folks who know us a bit. After getting through customs, we started the senic drive to the south end. We stopped at the Old Bight Beach and had some drinks and cheese and crackers. The day was a bit overcast and was actually not too hot. Lots of catching up to do before we loaded up to Flamingo Bay.

Soon as we got back, clothes were changed and cocktails were made for a trip to the beach. The guys decided to make a mad dash to the property to do some flagging and the ladies stayed on the beach drinkin G&T's. Cedell, our neighbor up the road, came over for a quick visit. While she was here, Joan decided to unpack all the 'gifts' they brought to us, it was like Christmas!!! More GT's consumed and before we knew it we had to be next door for spaghetti dinner. The day ended up so great, Jerry and Donna made a great dinner.

Monday was a day on the Cow Hunter with Billy and Dari. The weather was about the same, overcast till bout 1pm. Not much catching happened that day, a few dolphin and a tuna. The Wahoo were not biting off Columbus Point. I got a few pics as my camera battery was dying, I did not get a pic of poor Joan wretching, as she later called it, over the side of the boat. The motion pill didn't help with the hangover of gin from the night before. We came back tot he dock earlier than usual and Jerry and Donna met us at the Cat House, for dinner. Dari made dinner with the day's catch and I got to see thier house in the day light for the first time. They have amazing views of the ocean from every room!

Tuesday we all went out to the property for a short while. Checked out the fresh water that was hit the day before and showed them around a bit. It was during this time the tractor was down for bolt tightening. We had lunch at Bluebird before Chris went back to work. i got some paperwork done as the headed to the beach. i joined them a few hours later after Chris got home. They fell in love with the beach at Flamingo. We spent a while down there drinking wine and beers. jerry turned on the hot tub for us once we got back. We ended up in the hot tub fairly late and then decided to make dinner. The guys cooked some fish while Joan and I drank and looked at pictures on the computer. Dinner was good, peas and rice, potato salad and some other stuff. I swear Bruce and Joan were not affected by the double time change, diff time zone and time change happened the day they got to Cat.

Wed. Chris went to work for while and I drove us back out to Hawk's Nest to the gift shop. It's one of the very few places on the island to purchase any kind of gifts. We made the long trek up to the north for lunch at Sammy T's. A resort that Chris and I had yet to visit. The place was beautiful. Lots of landscaping and the water view was amazing. lunch was pretty good tooo. Turns out they have a pretty stocked gift shop also. another night at Jerry and Donna's for drinks and apps. Got to show them the dvd's on Cat Island, even a new one I had not seen before. We spent the remainder of the night out on the deck watching the full moon rise, once again time does not affect them. chris and I were exhausted and they showed no signs of tired.

Thurs we got up early and had a day planned of site visits. we hit up the bourbon Plantation first, not what I was expecting, well I was expecting more i guess. Took lots of photos of the remains of the buildings. The Deveaux house was next, then the Port Howe Church. I think I took about 300 wed and thurs. The old Catholic church in old Bight was really cool to shoot. Lots of great old stone images and doors. After our daily stop at 2 corners for more wine we headed to the fry shacks to see if anyone was there, only Frank was to be found. he did have some beers that were cold tho. Another trip to Flamingo beach, this time everyone came down, jerry, donna and all the dogs. The tide was extremely low due to full moon phase and we were able to walk out a ways and look for shells.

We had dinner at Roy & Lucille's that night, the food was so good and the conversations were hillarious. more picture taking on my part, I wanted Joan to have pics of every thing. got home and headed to our villas for more drinks ;) We ended up chating, drinking, playing farkle and eating popcorn till 2am!!!!!! they are troopers I tell ya, however it was thier last night on the island.

not sure about everyone else but I had a touch of a hangover friday morning. It was another wonderful airport excursion as always. Everyone tells you how difficult it is to get to Cat, what they don't tell ya is how damn hard it is to leave. OK, here's the story.

flight is at 1:30 they want you there 2 hours before. no problem, we left a little early as it takes about 30 to get there. So we get there at 1030. no one that works at the airport has a damn clue what is going on. You ask a question to 3 diff people you get 3 totally diff answers. customs spent 30 mins going through their luggage and just talking. so now we are at 11am, not that big a deal we hang at the bar Double D's across the street waiting till 12 so we can go eat at Fernandez bay. so we are just sitting around watching bad Bahamian tv and watching the clock go by. Fernandez Bay had a few guests but we still got a table outside facing the bay. It was gorgeous that day with a nice breeze. Lunch was pretty good, most resorts have good food. As we were leaving we discover that FB has a gift shop also. a Nice gift shop with clothes and such. Bruce & joan bought us this awesome jellyfish made out of tiny beads on wire, it's green, blue and yellow, for our new digs. As we are at the front desk to pay out, the manager tells us the airport called and the plane is not leaving FL till 3:45!!!!!

no remember that the luggage is at customs, already inspected, so no bathing suits or change of clothes. So we head back to Flamingo Bay, as we have 2 1/2 hours to kill. Joan and I take a short nap while Bruce and Chris try to get a hold of Continental about the next flight. I still have no idea how they made that flight but kudos to them. Get to the airport and the plane has still not left FL, it takes 1 1/2 hours to get to Cat IF if flies directly here. So we head back across the street to bar. I have about gotten over the hangover and am now drinking beer. We get a call from a girl we know working at the airport, she tells us they need to get there now, WTH we were just over there and didn't see a plane land. Rush over there they jump out say good bye, hugs and's the DAMN wrong plane!! told you no one knows what they hell is going on there.

So back to bar, more sitting around, did get to watch Seasame Street ;) Not 10 mins later we get a call that the plane has to touch down in Eluthera first and everyone has to go through customs. Great more time lost. The plane finally lands at 4:50, for the original 1:30 flight, no clue as to why they left FL late, we will never know. It was the big Lynx plane and by big I mean it holds 19 people. I think Bruce & Joan were the only ones on with the pilot. The plane then sat on the runway for another 20 mins. We gave up and left the airport at 510. Funny how doing nothing makes you so exhausted.

all in all it was such agreat time, I wish it had been a few days longer as there was actually some things on the island we didn't get to show you guys. hope you and everyone in TX is enjoying the pics.
1 Response
  1. Joan Says:

    Kristy, Thanks for the pics of our trip- they were super and we've shared them with family and friends!! I know that next month will be every stressful with your move and the "ground breaking", so just spend some down time with that great guy of yours looking at the wonderful scenery that makes Cat so beautiful!! Take care and love to you both!! Joan