Russian Sail boat

So the monday Bruce and Joan were here we were on the Cow Hunter. The big talk most of the day was about a Russian guy who was in distress 10 miles off shore on the east side of the island. The Coast Guard made the trip out there to rescue him, aparently there was lots of radio chatter tyring to find a guy on the island who speaks russian. Turns out there are about 4 people here who CAN speak russian, crazy!

his boat was taking on water was about all anyone could gather. he was dropped off at Hawk;s Nest and locked up in a room to wait for customs to come visit him. The story was strange as he said he left FL a few days ago, but he lived there for 2 years and didn't learn any english. He had no passport and he never cleared customs anywhere. Have no idea what the Bahamian customs agents decided to do with him.

so the boat was left out at sea to make it's way in on it's own. That monday guys on the property said they could see the boat coming in. there is a large reef that protects that side of the island and the reef did it's job. The boat came up in pieces. jerry and crew were out on the beach all day the friday we were at the airport. They came home with all kinds of stuff, tons of wood from the interior, even the toilet seat, don't ask.

The saturday after Bruce & Joan left we went to work then into Old Bight for food, we ended up at Grammy's. The cheeseburgers were so good. We hung out with her for 2 hours, taking shots and telling stories. On the way home Chris pulls off the road onto the side road that takes you to the ocean. This road is so terrible it takes 30 mins to get out and I bet it's only 3 miles. the brush is so over grown and the road is mostly exposed rock bed. the beach was litered with debris from the boat. a portion of it came up along side the old dead tree on the shore. We got a few pieces of wood for ourselves, but most had been scavanged the day before.

There was the red dingy that was full of holes that was almost on shore, wish I had the camera, I tried to pull it in, to no avail, did manage to get pretty wet though.

Fastforward to the following monday, a crew of us at Jerry and Donna's to watch Wheel of Fortune. his daughter Sandy was on and she was the winner. There had to be 5 diff conversations going on at once, then all of a sudden there is agreement all around the room and I am clueless as I was in the bathroom. They have decided to go back to the wreak site to look for the chain and anchor. This means getting into the water.

Newsflash low tide starts at 6am tuesday, I am still tired from the week before and desperately want to sleep in. Wake up call is 7am!!! to get wet....we leave at 730, make to beach by 8. I have pics to post of the guys getting the dingy into the water, still on camera. So, Roy, Chris, Jerry and Ali all take off for the reef. Donna and her dogs walk south with Virginia (a guest) and Lucille and her dogs walk north. While I go back to truck get my book, blanket, and towel. I set up and promptly fall asleep, that is till I hear teh boat motor.

jerry comes flying in to get Roy's backpack full of tools. They found the chain and anchor. Now I am fully awake and watching Jerry to see where he goes. They were so far out on the reef you almost couldn't see them. after about 2 hours they all come back in. When Jerry was going back out he had 3 dolphins, as in Flipper, follow him out. They guys all got to swim with them, wish I couldhave been out there but the water looked rough on the reef. Chris came in winded and excited. Said there was tons of stuff down there but no real reson to bring it up. the chain was the focus as Roy needed one fro his boat. the had to drag the chain about 30 feet across the reef to get it to the boat.

After the guys got in, we all cracked a beer thinking nothing of it till someone said it was only 1045! We loaded up and had lunch at the Pilot Harbor. always something exciting going on here.

pics to come later
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