days off

The past week was a blur, the tractor was down tuesday and part of wed, so nothing got done. But we still had work to do on another location of the property. We have this silt fence that must be installed 100' off the salt pond all the way around. We are talking over a mile folks. and most of this mile is on a damn sand dune. We had a crew of guys come out and cut a path in the vegetation about 2' wide all the way around. the lake side didn't take them long at all the dune was another story. Friday we started to haul this fence that is wrapped in bundles with 8-12 stakes up this freakin dune along the path. It was pretty hot that day and hard to walk in loose sand with a bundle in your arms or on you shoulders. The plan was to hammer in the stakes and 2 other guys will come behind and dig the trench for the actual fence.

Well, where ever the fence came from it had obviously been sitting out in the elements for a very long time. More than 3/4's of the post were rotten and molded. One hit and they would explode into moist shards. Great. so most of the fence is lying on it's side waiting for new post to be attached. And how do we accomplish this, well we call the guy in Nassau who is getting a hose for the broke down tractor and have him pick up many bags of zip ties. Which we will use with the stakes that were brought over for marking the road, reminds me we need to order more of those. We came home and Jerry had turned on the hot tub for us, which was grand. We were both exhausted and sore. New guests had come in, Kristen and Sam from Boston I think.

Sat was more of the same. Hauling this damn fence up the dune from the trucks. it was SUPER hot this day and you lose the sea breeze at different points of the dune and it gets stifling hot and humid. I think I had over 4 pounds of sand in my shoes by noon. Of course we ran out of said damn silt fence and need about another 10 bundles to complete the dune. We left the guys digging the trench for what they could and using the few road stakes we gave them. after a quick shower we headed to the Sailing Club/Regatta site/Fry shacks for some beers, food and domino's. Well, they were out of most food including rice!?!?! and most of the whole menu, ran out of Heineken's, and the domino's were no where to be found....ahhh the island.

Beers are delivered and put into freezer, domino's were found but alas we didn't' get a chance to play. Hung around for a last minute improv rake and scrape session. Pumpy on his accordion, Cedell using a screwdriver on a saw blade and an old oil drum with leather for the beat. Wish I had my camera. We made a mad dash back to Flamingo for the night of heavy apps. Roy and Lucille came over and we had some wonderful homemade pepperoni pizza!!! Good evening with all, lots of talking going around. I was excited for bed tho I have to say cause we had the next 3 days off, IN A ROW!!!!

Sunday was lazy day, slept in watched some b-ball. I layed out for a hour or so then headed to pick up Sheila for a massage. My legs have been killing me with all the hiking around over and over again. She was asleep when I got there at 145pm! We got a late start but it was nice. Now this is the Bahamas and not a posh spa in CA, it was different but she uses Young Living which is a co out of Chicago that has amazing oils. Coriander, lemon grass and oregano (i smelled like pizza all day)

The rest of the day was spent trying to get supplies ordered and put into list form for the new apartment. Not as easy as it sounds, net shopping is for the birds when you have to do a purchase this large and extensive. How am I supposed to pick out towels and not be able to touch them to check the plushness ;) but really, waiting for the pages and all the images to download is so boring and time consuming. I am still waiting with crossed fingers that we will be able to go to FL and get the stuff ourselves. but our work schedule may not allow it.

So the next 2 days off!!! but we have major rains coming our way, bummer for pool time, great for getting dust down on property. Some laundry to do and that's about it. Billy and Dari are back and having a party on friday! I missed them stopping by the house as I was with Sheila, but they have invited us to FL to stay at their house during the SunFest festival in West Palm Beach. Dari is the head honcho organizer and wants us to come check it out for free and stay in their Love Shack (guest house at their home) that is in late April 1st of May. Damn I can't believe it's already March.

Time change next sunday and Joan and Bruce will be here. Fingers crossed for sunshine.

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