Not much

The last 2 days have been filled with nothing. The wind has been blowing extremely hard, which means no beach walks, no pool time, no hoop time…nothing.

Cdub has been playing lots of Mario….and I have been rereading the Twilight series, finished the 1st book in 2 days and already 25% in New Moon, yes, my kindle is charged and back to life.

I recently started doing yoga again. It’s not as easy as I recall. My body groaned in pain for the 1st four days. I used to be extremely limber, ha back in hs, and my ham strings have been screaming in deep protest.

But I am finally using the mat that Cdub bought me for my bday before we moved to the island. Slacker I know. Today was better, I am getting in the poses much easier than day 1. But I still have a hard time going though the routine in the slow quite manner, I want to race to finish it so I can do something else, like read New Moon ;)

We have been listening to tons of albums on the ipod that have been unlistened to for many months, that’s what happens when you put several gigs on at one time. So instead of the silly, annoying Mario music we are listening to some great stuff.

Now I am not one to complain at the hours of the day, but, damn the days are flying by. One minute it’s 11am the next its 3:30, and cocktail time;) Boat drinks for those in the know! Then I find myself rushing around to make the bed, throw in a load of laundry (!) do the dishes and make myself useful for the day.

Looking forward to Cdubs parents and uncle arriving on Cat this sat. fingers crossed for some sunshine…it’s not normal to wear a hoodie, Cdub actually has on a wool beanie cap right now. Having people here is always more fun than just the 2 of us doing boring everyday crap.

Although I *could* read all day if someone wasn’t poking me asking what I’m reading every few hours and making hissing sounds as if he was or could be Edward, sigh.

Guess that’s it for the past 2 days.
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