one of those days

Today started out somewhat normal, ok not really. I slept till 10;20am and woke to Chris talking on the phone to a business partner. Not all that strange accept this convo was part of my dream and I was hearing it, but in a total backwards upside down dreamscape. Very strange not enough ink to divulge into this bizzaro dream but anyblab that’s how my day started.

Next we have tax discussion which=my brain wanting to explode. (which is also funny as I used to work for a family member who is a CPA) after many wasted hours google-ing worthless info. I decide we need a break lets go to beach to walk the dogs.

Bask step in story, I had sorted laundry a few hours before hand and put a load in to wash. As we leave house for beach, I take all wash and throw into dryer and start next load. I removed 2 items from wash to air dry. I put said 2 items onto table in laundry room while tossing remaining stuff into dryer. Go hang 2 items, go to beach.

Beach was great. Dogs ran, dug for crabs, chased a dude that was on beach at far end, ran in water, chased after ever elusive birds, Zoe became MacGyver for a bit scaling cliff walls for said elusive birds.

All is right in the world of Cat Island, OR so I thought.

A quick walk through laundry room and the table where said 2 items were laid out for a *moment* have left ‘wet spots’ on table cloth. No big deal I think, it will dry.

30 mins of hooping by the pool, martini later. I check dryer…..WTF there are stains on my clothes.

OK, so the only (strangely enough, 2! Items) that have stains are the same color! My all time fav shirt. Love one Another, (thank you Horning’s Hideout 2004) which is an amazing bright blue color with maroon letters and a pair of bright blue short pants from VS.

How this happens I HAVE NO CLUE! Said EVIL skirt that created damage is 5!!!! Years old and has been worn and washed more times than I can count! (and this was in cold water none the less)

SO, hours later of stain removal, oxyclean soaks and 4 washes later, my pants which either resemble maroon Dalmatian spots or a very bad tie-dye attempt are somewhat clean. And thankfully my (fav shirt of ALL time) was inside out in the wash so all spots are inside. HOWEVER, the stain removal only now looks like left over blood stain remnants….so I have either been part of a major accident or am just a dirty girl who wears stained clothes.

For those who can’t tell, this KILLS me. I am (was) a master at laundry. In fact, I (used) to pride myself on this fact. I am very particular (anal) about my precious clothing and refuse to let anyone else do my washing. It’s a labor of love. Come on I am the Only one who knows what to dry, line dry, air dry, what needs to be stretched before line dry (cause articles are a bit to snug) Trust me! I am not the only one in this house who is this particular (anal) ahem, Chris.

This is just the start of my damn evening….so after my pissy bit of going ALL the way to my apt (we are house sitting in Port Howe) to get Shout! For stained clothes I come back with a nice frosty cold Sands beer.

Check said damn clothes, restart the wash! Argh you see a cycle here. So I venture to the pool to drink my frosty beer. I (make the mistake of) setting my beer on the arm rest of a pool chair. A nice solid wooden chair.

I call the dogs to me.

PS I sometimes feel like the dog whisperer while at this house. All I have to do is call 1 of 3 dogs by name, squat down and they come running like I am made of pork chops.

So I am reveling in this said doggie moment and Buddy! Gets so excited he starts hopping around and his damn fluffy tail swipes my glorious frosty beer off the chair.

Enter in sounds of glass SMASHING to SMITHERINES on pool deck, FML.

Dogs go inside, I grab a head lamp (which happens to be a hot commodity on this rock, or so I am told) and start crawling! Around on my hand and knees searching for damn glass. Btw, the sky is full of a ginormous cloud cover so I am without full moon light.

Then broom head comes off the stick part, then the handle comes off the snow shovel I am using at a sweep pan. Did I mention fml yet?

So I go back to garage dig around for more cleaning tools, get most cleaned up. After literally crawling around on my hands and knees searching for mysterious damn CLEAR glass oh yeah! it’s not your average brown or green but Clear tyvm!!!

So I am now neck deep in my pity party and heating up leftovers, ya heard right folks leftovers.

Ps Lebron James talk rules this house

So I want to sit in the hot tub, I go to turn on hot tub. I guess in all my (inebriated) lessons I have not fully grasped how to turn on hot tub *correctly* thankfully within 5 mins, C-dub his name for blogs from now on, has brought this to my attention and drags me down to pump to correct my erred ways.

Did I mention fml? I could give ya more backup for the fml but its personal.

So we traipse ourselves down to hot tub, get in….and it’s FREEZING!!!!

C-dub made us go down wayyyyyy to early and tub did not have enough time to warm up, I take showers hotter than this water temp. I wash clothes in hotter temps, not to mention my dog….. I was so cold that every shaved hair on my body did a revolt and shot out 3 feet in defiance. (Shick I keep u in business so shut up).

Thankfully 20+ mins into our (supposedtobelovelyrelaxing) hotub session it actually gets hot, then too hot, as I had gone down and turned up the temp. hangs my head in shame as I created a volcano in hot tub…..but I wanted warm damnit.

So to recap, I still on a multiple daily basis laugh my head off at my dog – if you ever meet her you will see & know why.

I still perceive myself to be a Master at laundry and will let no others tell me differently. (Hangs my head in shame, as I still CAN NOT believe I damaged my OWN clothes, C-dub you are safe for time being)

I will enjoy the remaining low tide beach walks this week, high tide sucks arse folks….walk on this beach then get back to me.

Till tmrw, mwah
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