
What is it about trashy magazines???

They will forever grab my attention. Cosmo, Glamour, Vogue, People, US Weekly, even Stars. It all depends on who is on the cover and the stupid title. Grabs me every time, and I spend a lot of time in airports.

However, I WILL not pay $11 bucks for People in the Nassau airport, I DO have limits. So I buy all I can get my grubby hands on while in the states. And proceed to read them ALL before our plane leaves (late as usual) and bring them home ;0

So tonight I had to do the unthinkable, I had to throw away 3 people mags and 2 Victoria Secret catalogs, never mind that they were all old and 3+ months out of date.

Normally I would have taken them down to the laundry room of our apt and passed them onto some other soul, which I *loved* when other dwell mates did the same. No matter if the mag was years old,I am a sucker for a magazine.

As I am walking to the 4 barrels that are our ‘complex’ trash bins I had a moment to reflect.
Do you remember your first mag purchase????????

I DO!!!!

I was 11 years old and we took one of our many family trips to Colorado. I sweet talked, read-begged, my mom to buy me a copy of Seventeen. Can’t recall who was on the cover but the title was in a bright turquoise and I read that mag front to back about 6 times while on this trip.
My 11 yo brain was on overdrive, as I was totally out of the loop as to what half the topics were about. But I fell in LOVE! All the pics, the fashion, the articles, the beauty tips (I was not wearing makeup at this time) and I became the authority on ‘older wisdom’ via Seventeen….Katy can attest. ;)

So this love has gone on for 20 years….sometimes I can put one back only because I can peruse the whole mag while waiting to check out. However, due to current living situation, I now have to go 3+ months!! To get my fix.

I used to buy 1 at least once a week, and now go months at a time. Cdub still makes fun of me, hence asking me today, Do you really need all these old things! (um, trashy mags, tyvm) So instead of passing them on to someone else I had to (gasp) throw them away!

You may have wondered where my blogs have been. Well we had to do a major overhaul on the ‘puter and Cdub spent 3 days transferring files from one hard drive to the new one. My ‘puter was so full I only had 10 gigs left open. Thankfully we have 2 new drives and are still working on this almost a week later.

The weather has been poop lately so we have been indoors regardless.

My sense of humor may be way off, but I have to admit I find fart jokes funny, thank you Family Guy!!
1 Response
  1. Leigh Ann Says:

    I need to start shipping you all of mine. I subscribe to EVERY magazine you can think of: US Weekly, Rachael Ray, Glamour, Marie Claire, People Stylewatch...UGH. I have a problem! =)