A Pile of Mush

A pile of mush

Oy Vey after 8 days of guests I am exhausted who knew entertaining could be so crazy.

I hope to get around to a full account of our week with Cdubs parents and his uncle, but, as title suggests I am a pile of worthlessness.

Short recap, lots of beach time, copious amounts of alcohol, I am kinda embarrassed at the number of liquor bottles. Several late night hot tub sessions, great lunches, pool time cocktails, guys went fishing for a day. And most days I did not get out of bed till 9-ish ;)

Whereas Joan and Cliff, for some ungodly reason would get up BEFORE sunrise (talking 5:30am folks) and walk the beach every day, well when the winds wasn’t blowing you off the beach.

We have a first for us, after 1.5 years on Cat we finally bought our first straw work, a nice size bag with long handles. Cliff gifted us a great platter type bowl. Yeah we are lame and had never purchased any of the amazing indigenous crafts.

So today started at 6am for the group, 7am for me. I can’t tell you the last time I was getting out of bed at that hour, notice I didn’t say awake at that time. Anyblab, I had to dress myself and get in the truck for the excursion to the airport.

We had a 2 hour wait for the plane, of course it was not on time. The winds were blowing again, I had no jacket, and I was unbelievably tired. We finally see the plane come in say our goodbyes and head back to the house. I see the carnage that was left behind.

The bathroom had everyday items left everywhere. I barley recall brushing my teeth. The bed has been left in disarray all day long, with the intention of getting back in for a nap. The kitchen, oh lord the kitchen. Well after a long afternoon of horseshoes at the beach with lots of beer made for a messy cooking at dinner.

Oh, I forgot to mention we made Sky Juice, which is coconut water, cream of coconut and lots of gin. Coconuts gave us trouble so we pulled out the drill, yes, a drill. Only those from TX would have thought to do so. 1 bottle of gin later, we cook stir-fry and made the biggest mess ever. I think we used every glass in the cabinet, 2 large pitchers, enough silverware for an army.

So this afternoon, we lay on the couches and did nothing, for a while. A huge storm blew in with heavy rains, perfect for a movie. We watched KiKi’s delivery service and Phoebe in Wonderland, was an anime colorful type of movie day. Next thing I know it’s freakin 4:30 and I didn’t take my nap.

Tomorrow we have to really clean, do loads of laundry, move our crap back home at our snail pace. We actually go home sometime Monday, but it will take us 2 days to clean and pack after being here 3 weeks.

I miss my bed, and cannot wait to sleep with my blackout curtains, how I have missed you.

2 Responses
  1. Joan Says:

    I can't believe you didn't take a nap after we left!!You would be proud- when we finally got home we slept in the next morning until at least 9:00am- very pooped after a long day of travel--Nassau airport on Spring Break not a fun time! Loved every minute of our time last week- Thanks for everything!!

  2. Cliff Says:

    What a wonderful time I had on my first trip to Cat Island. I came with no expectations on left with some the best memories of my life. CHRISANDKRISTY as they are know on the island and were perfect hosts and provided us with such a great time. Thanks for the introductions to all the great islanders. Thanks for everything!
